Wednesday, January 03, 2007

No prisoners

Every week it seems some bright spark out there in management land puts together an email that they called InfoBlast and it is written in Pigeon English.

So, today, I thought sod it. I am going to call their bluff and I emailed them.

Could someone please explain, in plain, simple English the meaning of the following, as in the example below:

BPO standards previously released for Lean Six Sigma are updatedAudience: Primary: Designated single points of contact (SPOCs) responsible for Lean Six Sigma standards in hubs and BPO europe; Secondary: Global BPO hub/EMEA/India Delivery leaders, Service Desk leaders, and global BPO Capability leadersImpact: Delivery standards help reduce costs and improve productivity and quality. This initiative supports EDS’ goals of organizational effectiveness and core effectiveness. Action: Review linked article and Lean Six Sigma standards updates and act accordingly.

What is a hub?
What is Lean Six Sigma?
Why is it lean?

I am being serious here. I have no idea what on earth you are talking about in these "infoBlasts" so your message, if it IS meant to mean anything to me is being wasted. I also find such language turgid and obfuscating when I try to follow the links.


I will see what their reply is and post it here!

1 comment:

wilbur said...

6 sigma is used in statistics, if anyone in your comany know what it means they are wasted, as it usually means they are well versed in kaisen priciples of management organisation.