Wednesday, January 24, 2007

You really will comply...oh shit

Unable to let go of this little form filling, box-ticking exercise, lest he get rapped on the knuckles for not getting his minions to obey (by high-noon this Wed), Flakey duly keeps up the pressure:


Many of you are unable to update Industry Affiliation etc. This field has now been uploaded, from within the tool itself.

Therefore can you please ensure your skills, and certification are upto date.
Please also note that some of you may have Holiday schedules as US Holiday and 40 hour weeks.

If you are unable to update these - please call.


NB - Contractors are exempt from Corp as they are temporary resource

Please note the offensive use of jargon referring to human beings as "resource". Allow me to digress a little but my team-mate had long conversation with Flakey in the week where-in Flakey was adamant that contractors could get into Corp, and it was not only for Toxic permanent staff. It transpires, after every other contractor told him the same story of "we can't get in", he finally accepted reality.

Reading the above "this field has now been updated", referring to the item Flakey wanted everyone to fill in, you would think everything is fixed. Wouldn't you? You forget this is Toxic. I look and it is still the edit button, with "classifications" still as empty as Flakey's head.

So, in my little way, I ask the web admins.

From: me
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 8:33 PM
Subject: I can't edit "Classifications"...Case Number: 12121279777//AC
My leader is telling me to do so but I cannot comply. Please fix.


I got the reply:

Please be informed, that updating the Classification information is the Resource Manager's responsibility and you cannot update it.

Perhaps your manager is telling you to update as you are most likely non-compliant in this area, but again this is your resource manager's responsibility.

Thank you.

Corp Helpdesk

So I forwarded it to him as FYI...

[Note it was obvious to a blind-man with a paper bag on his head and sealed in a dark room, that this always was something for management to be responsible for, but there's the rub - responsible.

ironincally, Flakey's not job title is, wait for it......Capability Manager.]

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