Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Today, after my questioning Flakey on his apparent ignoring me and general unavailability being 150 miles away - which I have to say is not far enough - he decides to send me a new mail.


In reference to you consent form for AXA back in 2006- you failed to mark - I consent / not consent to…….
Please make sure this is completed and sent in an enclosed envelope ( for privacy ) marked for my attention only to.


Attached was a scanned version of the health/doctor's consent form that "they" made me sign under extreme duress, during the meeting I blogged labelled "Dr, dr".

1 comment:

DeeJay said...

Just found your blog and if it wasn't so cringe making and so like my own company it would be funny.
Why is it that corporations seem to promote people to just that level above their competence so they then revert to being pain in the ass bureaucrats passing forms around that never ever get used when you have complied?