It always amazes me why people ever use AOL. Let me explain why
- First, they are expensive when you look at what you get,
- Their software is buggy
- Their software "contains you" in their "AOL capsule" so they can track every little thing you do.
- Their service is populated by weirdos (mostly from the US)
- Their customer service is really, really bad
Now don't just take my word for it. I can prove it to you quite easily. Here goes:
CostI am going to ignore their slowest connection for a moment and show you their tricks.
Here's the cost comparison for 8MB services for a year.
AOL Platinum 8Mb (FREE Wireless Router) £329.89 @£29.99 monthly, unlimited
8Mb Unlimited Broadband & Free Weekend Calls £179.88 @ £14.99 monthly, unlimited
Bundle Plan Two £179.88, £14.99, unlimited
Plan Two £215.88, 1 month,£17.99, 6GB limit
BT Total Broadband - Option 1, £200.88, £17.99, 2GB limit
Tiscali Broadband 8Mb + Free Weekend Talk, £215.88, £17.99,unlimited
So, ummm, that's like about 30 companies offering the same thing for half price AOL charge, or put another way, it's in the top 10 of the most expensive suppliers/services you can get.
i.e. you can save up to £150 just by shopping around.
Their "bargain" 2MB service for 14.99 is a
loss leader - they offer it as a lure that loses them a tiny amount of money because once you're in their grip they can rip you off later.
Think of it as a big fat worm - if you go for it, they want to reel you in and "upgrade you" to Platinum. Naturally, you will be tempted because you are already their customer. It's a dirty rotten trick.
BuggyOh yes!! Their software was the single-most common cause for "executive laptop crashes" during my two years as a laptop engineer. It's horrible. Uninstall it now, for the love of God.
Captive audienceIn August 2006 they released a huge log file of their customer's activity for researchers. Unfortunately they ignored a recent law by the US to "remove customer identity from all records" for privacy. The log is floating around the internet and is just a big, big text file with names replaced by a number. However, taking a wild guess in my usual "cutting the crap" style, I imagine it reads something like this:
24534666 10:01 "ebay ceramic vases"0010000 02:03 "cars for sale24534666 11:21 "bomb making for idiots"0010000 02:06 "sindy dolls, cheap"0010000 02:07 "music for nuns"24534666 11:23 "gay child porn"24534666 11:26 "snuff videos and sex with dead people"source: serviceThis is sadly a reflection of typical "customer service": can relate to this personally. I asked for a rebate from Orange this year owing to the fact that my mum was physically unable to use her mobile at all for over year, meaning she had paid £15 a month for nothing. My request for £50 as a gesture of good-will fell on the same deaf ears. No-one wanted to know.
Ironic, for a company that makes it's money out of people listening.