Thursday, November 02, 2006

A new spat

It seems that Flakey is being a little awkward with me. Following several emails that he has left unanswered he finally replies to one that involves Toxic making money from my hours.

Note: bits in italics have been added to protect the identity and systems that Toxic uses.

me: "the time-keeping thingy" is refusing to accept absence codes for either sickness (0200) or medical appointments (0230). I was off, as I have already noted with you, on Thurs 19th and Fri 20th Oct.

I also had to attend a medical appointment yesterday at 3pm for 1 hour.

received the reply

Flakey: Thurs and Friday details were already logged in SAP. And I have entered your medical appointment for yesterday with ease.

Finding this both curt and sarcastic (implying I am either stupid or a liar), I sent this:

Part 1
I was expecting to see the codes 200 and 230 in the "silly codes" section hence my question, so I tried to enter them whilst trying to book the medical from yesterday. In each case "the time-keeping software" responded with "your manager needs to do this for you" - so I told you.

As for your second sentence, I don't expect to come to work and leave feeling abused and hurt by what I can only describe as sarcastic comments (with ease). You seem to be angry with me, but I have absolutely no idea why. I am not aware of doing anything wrong. I really would like to know what I have or haven't done that makes you behave in the way you are.

Part 2
With regards my recent email to staff, I was only taking personal initiative to gauge the feelings of the people I work with. It was certainly not meant as inflammatory or intended to cause offence. The first paragraph was simply meant to lighten the mood of a serious topic. If anyone did take offence, it suggests to me a certain feeling of guilt on their part. I feel that someone resorting to indirect anger by calling me 'shop-steward' through you is immature behaviour.

What I want is clear concise communication with regards to the future of the staff at "work's" employment on "lost projectx". I feel there has been a failure of communication and I am seeking to put it right, ensuring staff are as happy as they can be given the circumstances.



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