Thursday, November 02, 2006

Thurs, Nov 2nd - Reaction to my complaint

Flakey responds to my questions with 2 orders by email:

  • "there's a machine running SQL that has a weak password - fix it - love the security audit man"
  • "do this pointless ITIL course or else"

a brief enquiry reveals that a machine one of my staff is using (oooh I sound important now) is using SQL and it has no password set. So that's fixed in a trice.

The other task reveals rather a lot about my boss Flakey. He sends me a mail telling me and 2 others to do a certain ITIL course. The mail contains the course names and an attachment from from the person telling him to tell us that has the following:

employee name, userid, country, manager, email and region.

Yes, that's pretty much everything someone needs to steal 2500 people's identity - including the women if you can speak in a high-pitched voice like I can. Worse, given the Toxic forces people to use a maximum of 8 characters in their passwords, it's childs-play to crack their account. I do not condone such actions at all. I merely pointing out the possibility, given such a gift.

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