Thursday, December 14, 2006

Bullying - what bullying? I can't see any bullying

On Wednesday, two days after both Paul and I had made formal complaints to our manager, Flakey of intimidation, sarcasm, lying and victimisation (all of which we have proof for) I was unable to wait so I ask Flakey to ring me.

This is the conversation, as near verbatim as I can get (it's a skill I have, ironically empowered whenever I get upset):

Part one

Me: hello
RB: are you alright???
Me: yes
RB: it sounded like you fell over there?
Me: no, I was just coming into the office
Rb: silence
Me: have you read the emails
Rb: what emails do you mean?
Me: about what’s going on here
Rb: oh you mean about Paul Medcalf and working from home
Me: yes
Rb: Yes I have
Me: Well have you reached any conclusions?
Rb: I’m sorry??
Me: Have you come to any conclusions about what you have read?
Rb: Well they are both lying but my decision stands
Me: So you mean they are both lying?
RB: well I am not taking sides here but the PMs are telling me one thing and Paul Medcalf is telling me another story completely
Me: but you’ve read Paul’s email?
Rb: yes, but as far as I am concerned the process for working from home is as I communicated to the whole of EUD last week
Me: So you don’t see there is a problem with two other teams doing it one way and Front Office being required to do it another
Rb: I outlined the process last week and that applies to the whole of EUD UK
Me: so you really don’t see there is any problem having a difference in policy?
Rb: I sent the email out last week and that is my policy
Me: This goes back before the email last week though. The whole situation is aimed at just Paul. It is bullying.
Rb: Burying
Rb: I’m sorry – burying?
Me: Bull-eee-ing
Rb: I don’t see that The process is that if anyone wants to work from home then they ask me and they ask the SDM.
Me: So as far you are concerned you don’t see a problem with front office having to ask permission and other teams not needing too?
Rb: No, no at all. I sent the email last week and that is the new policy
Me: So you just made it up?
Rb: I can do what I want
me: I’m sorry but that might be what you learnt at the management school you went to but that’s not the management school that I went to.
Me: So are you going to do anything to clarify things?
Rb: Well I am going to send an email later this afternoon.
Me: OK

Part 2

Me: I have to say I feel very, very angry about the way…I feel I have been treated this year
Rb: Oh?
Me: I mean by management
Rb: I don’t remember Mike
Me: What do you mean you don’t remember?
Rb: I’m sorry I can’t think of anything you’ll have to remind me.
Me: I’m not going to put my words in your mouth Richard. Try and think. Think about June. What happened in June?
Rb: Well your mum passed away sadly
Me: and what else?
Rb: We had a meeting where we you signed a consent form for medical examination and we discussed your medical appointments.
Me: Anything else?
Rb: Not that I remember
Me: what about the two days I took off
Rb: You obviously have a better memory than me
Me: the two days I took off two weeks before my mum passed away because I was upset
Rb: we agreed that thanks to your medical history we needed a doctor’s note for those two days
Me: so you don’t see why I would feel upset about any of that?
Rb: No
Me: Well I need to have a meeting with you in January to bottom things out…I am breaking up for Xmas today so we can’t do it before then.
Rb: ok

Part 3

Me: ok, well what about the project managers and the way they keep leaving me out of the loop and ignoring me
Rb: the process for working from home…
Me: Richard I am not talking about that now. I am talking about them assigning work now. I want them to only come to me to give work out.
Rb: Oh, ok, well if they are not doing that then I will let them know.
me: ok
Rb: Well thanks for that Mike. Have a good xmas break. Bye matey.

Matey....I don't think so.

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