Thursday, May 24, 2007

Out of scope

Hmmmmmmmmmm. Given that I have quit in disgust at things just like this, I really don't care about this. The role that I left however is probably still "in-scope". I can't imagine how it would not be.
Nice that he is mailing people (there's at least 2 in the "to" list) still.


From: Toupee
Sent: 21 May 2007
To: some bloke; "me"; an indian; A bread loaf; the annoying loudmouth Indian bloke who has left; bloke 2; bloke 3; etc.
Cc: whoever

Subject: FW: DCA Service Transition : Out of Scope Confirmation Auto forwarded by a Rule

Based on further analysis of the roles required to deliver the LoCCS service, carried out in conjunction with your leveraged groups, you are no longer currently deemed to be In-Scope for transfer to ATOS Origin or Logica CMG as part of the DCA Service Transition.

Please confirm by eMail that you acknowledge your role is now out of scope. If you have any questions please contact me directly.

Regards… Toupee

Toxic Programme Manager - DCA Service Transition
A House

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