Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Charity at Toxic begins at home.

For those whose eyesight is failing the note says:

"Did you forget to pay for your sweeties. The sweet box was £2.56 short today.


Sweetie Lady"


The Servery (aka the kitchen) is well equipped for such a toxic place, having 2 fridges, 1 microwave, 1 dishwasher a sink and a kettle.

There's just one tiny, eeny little problem. This is the cutlery drawer. Can YOU spot the problem? (Hint: there used to 75 people at least, working in the building).

Toxic Building - Part Deux

Here is another little gallery of the strange quirks of the building that Toxic is based in.

This is a shot of the huge air-conditioning units that serve the building with some gorgeous art work by some of the local louts who like to hang out under here.

The area is a kind of tunnel underneath the building, in the car park.

I presume this is a self-portrait by the yoof.

Here is the ceiling of the area, which is roughly underneath my desk!

The holes are where the yoofs have smashed the tiles leaving lovely big holes for the wind and pidgeons to roost in.

Note the cables hanging down for them to swing on, and the yellow tuft of the remaining insulation material.

The rest of it was blowing around the car park until it rained and became squelched into mush.

Now then, this is my FAVOURITE photo. This, ladies and gennelmen, is the toilet cubicle.

You will note the full length frosted glass window allows you to sit and admire the car-park and to wave at the people who come out for a sneaky fag (cigarette for the non-UK readers), out the back of the building, whilst you pass your bowels.

and for those who doubted what lays to the left.......

le crapper avec la fenetre

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Harassment is an art form

Here's a little proof that Toxic are really good at training people in things that matter.

They truly excel in this subject matter.
Anti is such a small yet simple word, but change the whole meaning of something...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

You really will comply...oh shit

Unable to let go of this little form filling, box-ticking exercise, lest he get rapped on the knuckles for not getting his minions to obey (by high-noon this Wed), Flakey duly keeps up the pressure:


Many of you are unable to update Industry Affiliation etc. This field has now been uploaded, from within the tool itself.

Therefore can you please ensure your skills, and certification are upto date.
Please also note that some of you may have Holiday schedules as US Holiday and 40 hour weeks.

If you are unable to update these - please call.


NB - Contractors are exempt from Corp as they are temporary resource

Please note the offensive use of jargon referring to human beings as "resource". Allow me to digress a little but my team-mate had long conversation with Flakey in the week where-in Flakey was adamant that contractors could get into Corp, and it was not only for Toxic permanent staff. It transpires, after every other contractor told him the same story of "we can't get in", he finally accepted reality.

Reading the above "this field has now been updated", referring to the item Flakey wanted everyone to fill in, you would think everything is fixed. Wouldn't you? You forget this is Toxic. I look and it is still the edit button, with "classifications" still as empty as Flakey's head.

So, in my little way, I ask the web admins.

From: me
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 8:33 PM
Subject: I can't edit "Classifications"...Case Number: 12121279777//AC
My leader is telling me to do so but I cannot comply. Please fix.


I got the reply:

Please be informed, that updating the Classification information is the Resource Manager's responsibility and you cannot update it.

Perhaps your manager is telling you to update as you are most likely non-compliant in this area, but again this is your resource manager's responsibility.

Thank you.

Corp Helpdesk

So I forwarded it to him as FYI...

[Note it was obvious to a blind-man with a paper bag on his head and sealed in a dark room, that this always was something for management to be responsible for, but there's the rub - responsible.

ironincally, Flakey's not job title is, wait for it......Capability Manager.]

Reply to Comply or....

Sent: 22 January 2007 11:42
To: Flakey

Subject: RE: Evolve Profiles and non-compliance


I think you will find that no-one can comply with the request as there is no "edit" on the classifications pane. You can only expand or collapse that item.

The only 3 sections I can edit (and I suspect others are in the same situation) are "schedule", Qualifications and Work Preferences.

I also noticed my working week info is wrong (40 not 37.5) as well as the hiring date but cannot edit that either. I mailed the help people but have no response yet. My guess is that you have the power to edit this (under General Info) and Classifications too.



Note they had decided (and I say decide because I cannot fathom where else they got the date other than thin air) that I started at Toxic on 1/1/1971. Thankfully, I was only 3 years old at the I was not even if the same country, never mind planet, as them.

Comply or....

It has been a while since my last post, but things have been slow in a way.

Here is a group email from Flakey:


Please find enclosed the latest audit report for your CORP profiles and their non compliance.
A majority of the non-compliance are to do with :-

Predominant Functional Role and Predominant Industry
Predominant Functional Role must have a value and cannot be 'Not Applicable'; Predominant Industry must have a value;

This can be found in your profile under -
Select Edit on the Classifications pane.
Please update your records by midday Wednesday 24th January as a fresh report shall be run.

This should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete

There was just one teensy weensy problem. Staff (underlings) cannot see any "edit" button to click on the classifications pain. Pun intended.

Anyway, I took the opportunity to update this web-based inventory of employee skills...

As you can see I have been busy. I am particularly proud of facial recognition. I can recognise most people in the building now, a skill that my boss Flakey would be hard-pressed to do, since he has only seen and met my team twice.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Identity badge

I lost some material from last year because my laptop's hard disk died spontaneously in October. Luckily, I mail some things to myself sometimes ;).

So, here is an email that came whilst I was off in mourning so I am guessing the form in question is for security clearance. The last sentence says it all really and 100% genuine. I don't make this shit up you know.

From: PM Lead
Subject: Security forms

Please note that the last page, page 12, of the form has to be completed. You need to present a form of ID to your manager (passport preferred), in case they don't recognise you, and they sign the form.

My response at the time to my team mate was:

1) what type of ID does one have that has a photo on?

(a) a student NUS card
(b) a bus pass
(c) a taxi driver badge
(d) a passport

2) if your manager doesn't recognise your face, what is wrong. The manager...

(a) is a twat
(b) is too busy going to meetings to meet staff
(c) is working from home as usual
(d) is on a 2 week holiday and no-one else standing in knows you from Adam

3) your team lead is off, so you don't "have" a manager to sign the form, never mind look at your ID then your face, then your ID again. Do you:

(a) laugh hysterically
(b) point at PM
(c) laugh again
(d) sign the form yourself with your left-hand and then hand it in

If you answered a-d on all questions go to the top of the class and work the weekend, as approved by me and Flakey even though he's in Italy or somewhere.
If not, get your coat you're leaving.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Info: Website

Curses, I wanted to use this name but they got there first.

Mine will be better anyway :P.

No more Dusty Wig for you Jim lad

Last night Lliam came over and had a word with me about my email, where I asserted that I will be the point of contact for PMs (Project Managers) to assign work, rather than my staff (of 2).

He then revealed, like Marvello the Magician, that the customer is no longer paying for my services which means that I unable to do any work for them even if I want to (which I do).

I asked him how the hell do they work that one out as I have been working on that project for over 2 years, and if true how come no-one told me. It was wasted breath though because he was only the messenger bless him.

Add that to the knowledge that Flakey has refused to let Paul work from home we are now in the situation:

Paul is not allowed to work from home
I am not allowed to work from work or home

Well, not until they find me something anyway. I won't hold my breath.

job agencies

I am looking hard for a new job, as you might expect, and this is the "job specification" that one of the knob jockeys, err, agency staff sent me.

Job Purpose & Accountability:

This will involve the oversight and direction of a group of Trials Engineers in extracting suitable Validation criteria from the Through Life Management Plan (TLMP) and the Integrated Test, Evaluation and Acceptance Plan (ITEAP), to define Trial Plans for each of the DII (F) Releases, including the preparation and agreement (with the client) of ¡¥use cases¡¦ to evaluate the DII Services from an end-user perspective.

For solution validation Trials (FAT, Pilot, etc.), responsibilities will extend to the execution of Trial Plans in association with MoD personnel, the logging of results/exceptions, the analysis of Trial Logs, and the preparation of Trial Reports.

As a Trial Manager, there will be a requirement to attend and lead Trial Readiness Reviews, Trial take-on Reviews, and Trial Wash-up Reviews with the Client. Much of this effort will be concentrated within the ATLAS Integration and Test Facility at the ATLAS HQ building in Reading?, but there will be some requirement for travel to MoD sites for Pilot Trial and EAT support.

As the DII (F) contract is Service-based, there is no Acceptance¡ in the classical sense, as ATLAS only receive Revenue when the Services are delivered to the client at agreed levels of performance. The Trials are therefore essential to provide the requisite assurance to the MoD that the Services (when delivered) will satisfy the original user (Customer 1) requirement, and expectations, and is a vital component in the ATLAS Revenue stream.

Key Deliverables:

Trial Plans (defining the Trial), incorporating:
Trial Specifications
Trial Procedures
Trial Scripts
Trial Logs (records of Trial activities)
Trial Reports (formal analysis of a Trial)

Advertisement Data:

Skills - Mandatory:
Trial/Acceptance Test Planning
Trial/Acceptance Test Execution
Trial/Acceptance Test Analysis

Skills - Useful:
Defence knowledge

Skills - on the Job:

So, you don't need any skill whatsoever, but a bit of defence is useful. Great. I know a bit of Judo. Do I get an interview now please?

Anyway, I replied, somewhat bluntly, that's not a spec - what IT systems are they testing.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Today, after my questioning Flakey on his apparent ignoring me and general unavailability being 150 miles away - which I have to say is not far enough - he decides to send me a new mail.


In reference to you consent form for AXA back in 2006- you failed to mark - I consent / not consent to…….
Please make sure this is completed and sent in an enclosed envelope ( for privacy ) marked for my attention only to.


Attached was a scanned version of the health/doctor's consent form that "they" made me sign under extreme duress, during the meeting I blogged labelled "Dr, dr".

One of my team is missing

Pre-cursor: At the end Xmas, there was a little argument about one of my team, Paul, having to get permission from not one but 2 people, whilst everyone else could do exactly what the liked. Suffice to say, Paul, not happy at already getting the chop at the end of Jan decided to get another job after Xmas.

After Xmas I come to work and Paul is not here. Paul and I are close friends so I know exactly where he is and why, but since Flakey shoved his oar in and made the unilateral decision to side with the abuse of Project Management's power and then banned Paul from working from home at all without even telling me (but of course Paul told me instead) I wanted to ask what was going on. If it sounds petty, I suppose it is....

I can't stop people behaving like idiots it appears.

From: Me
To: Flakey
Subject: Paul


Can you please explain precisely what the score with Paul is now because I am confused. I know he said he is at home owing to his back problems but I also read that he is not allowed to do any further work whilst at home. Specifically:

When does his contract finish?
Who decided he cannot do any work from home?
When was this decision taken?
Why was it taken?
Who authorised the decision?
Does this decision apply to all Desktop staff?


It takes another email of "RSVP" for me to even get a reply 4 days later.

From: Flakey
Sent: Jan 9th
To: Me
Subject: RE: Paul


Paul is currently unable to travel to work in Toxania as, his back sounds very painful and serious indeed for which he needs to recover fully before even getting into a car by all counts. The work currently assigned is to be completed onsite - therefore in Paul predicament, he is unable to comply.In regards to Paul's current contract this finishes end January 2007


Seeing he is responding to email I quickly reply:


As you are available at your PC, do you use a calendar so I can look when you are busy or out and know roughly when to expect a reply. I expect people to reply the same day at least, but in some cases you wait several days before I get a response. If I didn't know better I'd think you were ignoring me, but I know you are not that petty. I just want to set my expectations.



Are you sitting comfortably? Good, because this will make uncomfortable reading

Back in mid June my mum's poor health was coming to a head so I explained to my boss Flakey and asked for a meeting about time off for compassionate leave. He replied:


Sorry to hear about your Mom, and at this sensitive time we can discuss these matters upon your return.

I would therefore like to meet up at 11:00 on Tuesday. Please drop me a line, or give me a call to confirm.


-----Original Message-----
From: Taylor, Mike
Sent: MONDAY 13 June 2006
To: Flakey
Subject: RE: Missing Times - AUTOMATED EMAIL


I was intending to return today all things being well. However things are decidedly not well at all, so I will not be in for the rest of the week. Note I had already booked Thurs/Fri as hols this week and had a double medical appt yesterday, which means I will be booked off as sick from 13/6 to 14/6. My medical appt last week was Monday as usual.

Please note I had left my compassionate leave in yours hands last week for Thurs/Fri so did not put any entry into SAP. I rang you at 5:35pm on the Wed to check it was OK, but got no reply.

FYI - I spent [last] Thurs nursing my mum as she is now a lot worse, and then Friday was spent taking her into a Macmillan hospice. Under the circumstances I think it deeply inappropriate for me to book any time as "holiday". I trust you understand.

Finally, I don't wish to be morbid but I have to be realistic; I need to know what time off is available on bereavement. It always was a certainty, but her passing is looking extremely imminent. Could you please let me know.

As you can see I left him in no doubt whatsoever as to what was happening. He arrived for the meeting the following week, on Tuesday. The following is as near to the conversation as I could get without taking a recording device. Thankfully my brain appears to switch to record mode at times like this so I am confident it is 98% correct.

I arrived at the room to find not just Flakey (RB), but his boss Matilda the Hun (JP) - a lady of some notoriety. You will see why.

Mike The “mom” meeting,
(Tuesday 20/06/06)

JP: Hi, Mike how are you?
Me: ok thanks
JP: Well, I meant given the circumstances. We know this is a difficult time for you at the moment.

[a long, detailed enquiry by JP follows..wanting to know the in and outs of everything...but here are the high-lights]

JP: so what’s the diagnosis now?
Me: (confused - it's cancer how can it become "un-cancer") what do you mean? – it’s the same as it was…
JP: so it was in the brain? A tumour?
Me: yes, it was cancer. A grade 4…whatever (failing to recall Latin name) in the brain but they cut it out, or rather tried to, but it grew back because it’s an aggressive type so attacked the speech and the cognitive centre.
JP: So can she recognise you? You know. Does she know it’s you?
Me: She did when I first went home, but later I couldn’t really tell.
JP: Well Mike I know what it’s like. My brother-in-law had something similar last year so I know what you’re going through. He had to have a hospital bed and things, but one thing I do know is he wanted to spend the end with his family, at home. Does your mum specify any wishes.
Me: (by now I am feeling increasingly annoyed and upset and having to dredge up the details all over again, simply for her to say “I’ve been there, done that and got the T-shirt”. It felt she was stuck in “me, me, me” mode) [out loud]: I don’t know.
JP: Right well we’d better stop talking about it now because I’m getting upset about it now
(I look at her and she doesn’t seem to look upset but I can’t tell anything. She could have been talking about the price of frozen peas for all I could see).

JP: Right Mike I believe you have been taking Monday's off for about 5 months now for medical appointments and we as a company have been paying you 37.5 hours to do work, but there doesn’t seem to be any end to them.
RB: Under the Disability and Discrimination Act Mike, we need to have proof that we are not being discriminate [he couldn’t think of the word so rambled] against anyone, so we need to know what the appointment is for.
JP: Can you tell us what the medical treatment is for Mike?
Me: I’m not prepared to tell you that
JP: Oh well, you have been going for 5 months Mike and we need some kind of proof because as far as SAP, or an outsider looking at this is concerned you’re taking the whole day but we have no idea what it’s for.
Me: It may say that in SAP but I have been working from home. The appointment takes about 2 hours total so it is impractical owing to the times of the appointment, to go there and all the way back to work again, so I just work from home.
JP: where is the appointment? (digging for info)
Me: It’s in the wrong direction
JP: yes, but where is it? You live in Wales don’t you? Or is it Reading?
Me: (exasperated as this woman, my top manager is here to deal with deeply personal issues and she doesn’t even know where I live) (under my breath)
JP: OK, so where is the clinic?
Me: it’s in the wrong direction to here. It takes 2 hours
JP: (getting irritated at me not playing ball) well, I don’t doubt that you are working from home Mike, but it remains to be seen whether it takes a full 2 hours for it if you’re not prepared to tell us where it is.
Me: It’s private
JP: Well Mike we have to have some evidence so we can simply request to see your medical records from your GP. Richard has got a form here that you sign and a an EDS doctor, or rather a doctor working on our behalf will assess you and then have a conversation with HR and let us know whether these medical appointments are justified or not.
Me: (to RB) sorry can you explain where the Disability act comes in again
[he does]
JP: here’s the form Mike
Me: (I half-read the form and put it down and try to think about what I can do)
so what do you want from me, a Dr’s letter?
JP: you can send that to HR and then HR will tell us, or be assessed by our Dr. They won't tell us specifically what the problem is, but just either agree you need the treatment or not. It may even be just a phone call, so it all remains between just you and him.
Me: so what is the procedure for taking medical appointments. I am not aware of what it should be, because well, it’s never been explained.
JP: well you need to make up the hours somewhere else in the week. If you’re working from home that means you have to make the 2 hours either each day or work late one day instead.
Me: (I stare at the page for consenting to medical scruting, trying to think but JP can’t stop talking – she keeps filling the silence)
JP: you know Mike I don’t doubt you have an appointment but working from home is not a given, it’s a privilege. We have been very generous up to now but we can stop that…
Me: (I look up and hold my palm face out like a traffic cop and say “Stop Janet” because I am getting riled again; all I can think of is MH coming in 2 days a week because he lives “too far away to commute” and numerous others who wfh on a whim yet no-one bats an eyelid about it. Here I am genuinely sick and getting grief about it. Finally I relent, as, if I send a Dr letter from the clinic I go to that will tip them off I immediately as to the nature of my malady). [out loud] So what about going-forward with the medical appointments?
JP: well it’s connected with this Mike. We have to settle this (proof) before we can discuss the future appointments. I know this is difficult for you Mike and this is a bad time for you but these things have to be done. We need to cross the t’s and dot the i’s.
We’re a caring company and we have been very forgiving up to now but we need to know this information to decide whether you make the hours up or work a shorter working week, say 30 hrs. (a thinly veiled threat of reducing my wage).
Me: (unable to think clearly because my emotional state and JP’s continued verbal diarrhoea I give up): OK, well I guess there’s no option really. I will sign it.

RB: Now Mike I’ve agreed to make last Thursday and Friday compassionate leave for you and then you had the day of for your medical appointment and then you sent me an email to take the following Tuesday and Wednesday off as sick. Well we need a Dr’s note from you for that period of time
Me: I don’t remember sending an email
JP: you must have sent something Mike or Flakey wouldn’t mention it
Me: OK, I just don’t recall. It doesn’t matter. I was too emotional to come to work
JP: Well we still need a medical slip
Me: in my circumstances, if you had just put your mother in a hospice and come back and been too upset to even leave the house, never mind go to work, what…what would…(struggling to speak, my voice trembling with emotion)…what would you tell your boss?
JP: well within half an hour of the first day off I would have rung my boss and told him just that.
Me: so you are refusing to accept self-certification
JP & RB look down at the floor at this point looking particularly sheepish
RB: if someone even has a cold for one day Mike, I can go up to them and ask for a Dr’s note for just that one day.
JP: So can you get it?
Me: I don’t know
RB: well we need to see it Mike. As a caring company, again under the D&DAct we need to prove to HR that we are not discriminating against you.
JP: Otherwise we will have to see about booking it as leave
Me: I thought that’s what this meeting was going to be about?
JP: Well, we’re just getting to that now
Me: (interrupting before they can bullshit me any more) well I want to suggest two things first, the first being leave of absence but the best option being working from home, as I see no reason for to be in the office. All I need to do is attend meetings and I can ring up for that but when I say home, I mean Wales not Slough.
JP: can you get a signal in Wales?
Me: (incredulous) yes
RB: but I rang you last week Mike and left 2 messages and you did not reply at all. You were uncontactable.
JP: Yes, I have problems trying to contact people in Wales
Me: Flakey [annoyed], the reason you did not get through is because the battery died and then on top of that I left it in Wales. So when you rang, it was dead and in Wales.
JP: So you can get a signal? (sounding surprised now the phones work in Wales)
Me: Yes, I have never had any problems at all
JP: OK. You don’t need anything else do you?
Me: well I could do with a docking station
JP: Yes but that’s not essential is it. Well, I don’t see a problem.
RB: Yes, but Mike you have not attended a single team leaders meeting, or the sharepoint meeting or submitted any status reports. If you can’t do that now, how can we be sure you are going to be able to do them from home.
JP: Yes Mike those things are important. I suggest a trial basis for the next two weeks you CAN work from home on the basis that you provide Flakey with what he needs. He is going away tomorrow anyway.
Me: so who is standing in for him?
JP: well it could be you if you’re not careful (hahahaha)
RB: Yes, it is any one of 15 people, but Tony Bullock will be attending. You know Tony.
[at this point the meeting dissolves into idle chat and I just want to leave.]

Post datum: at home-time I sit in the car and want to cry but feel too numb to do so. I feel completely drained and numb with turmoil.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Ho ho ho

Just before Xmas, Flakey demanded that people fill in a page or 2 about the account each team works on. I uploaded the following, rather tongue in cheek info. It appears Flakey has not read it as I don't believe he would be too chuffed. I based my response on what someone up North had put, who included travel details including by I thought I would too.

I know I wrote this myself, but my favourite bit is the last paragraph as it's complete and utter bollocks, except for the bit Dusty Wigs ending in June, because Toxic lost the contract.

Account Name: Dusty Wig

Toxic House
Toxic Road

A map showing the location of Toxic in Toxania is available. Use the postcode HEL L for GPS navigation or Internet maps.

By Car
There is a car next to the building, which is best accessed using a car. Spaces are limited so drivers are asked to park between the white lines or metal studs.
Disabled visitors can park nearest the reception.

By Rail
Toxania railway station is 1 minute drive or 10 minutes walk away. You can find timetable information at

By Plane
The nearest airport is charter only at
Farnborough which is only 15 minutes drive from this site. Taxis are readily available from the taxi office (outside the terminal) at the airport.

Description of Account
Toxania is an "Engineering Centre of Excelllent" for Toxic South-East. It serves clients based within the southern UK region. Toxic supported Dusty Wigs until June 2006.
The main desktop build is known as V3.1.2.1a and is Windows XP based with Windows 2000/2003 providing file and print services. Software distribution is by Radia. Email is provided using MS Outlook 2000.

In EUD terms the account consists of approx 3 staff.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

No prisoners

Every week it seems some bright spark out there in management land puts together an email that they called InfoBlast and it is written in Pigeon English.

So, today, I thought sod it. I am going to call their bluff and I emailed them.

Could someone please explain, in plain, simple English the meaning of the following, as in the example below:

BPO standards previously released for Lean Six Sigma are updatedAudience: Primary: Designated single points of contact (SPOCs) responsible for Lean Six Sigma standards in hubs and BPO europe; Secondary: Global BPO hub/EMEA/India Delivery leaders, Service Desk leaders, and global BPO Capability leadersImpact: Delivery standards help reduce costs and improve productivity and quality. This initiative supports EDS’ goals of organizational effectiveness and core effectiveness. Action: Review linked article and Lean Six Sigma standards updates and act accordingly.

What is a hub?
What is Lean Six Sigma?
Why is it lean?

I am being serious here. I have no idea what on earth you are talking about in these "infoBlasts" so your message, if it IS meant to mean anything to me is being wasted. I also find such language turgid and obfuscating when I try to follow the links.


I will see what their reply is and post it here!

TUPE revisited

Over Xmas there was some news regarding TUPE. Here is a quick summary of what on earth TUPE is, as I doubt many people know.

TUPE - a piece of British legislation that attempts to keep things fair when 2 companies fallout and give the contract to someone new.

Anyway, given the importance of it (as it affects people's jobs) when did they have the first proper meeting about it? Yep, the 19th Dec, when most people were not here.

From: X
Sent: 19 December 2006 15:04
To: Staff
Subject: HR/TUPE Briefing


Sorry for the short notice.
The EXIT team have agreed to attend Toxania tomorrow to give staff a briefing on the current situation regarding HR/TUPE.
The briefing is open to anyone wishing to attend, naturally the overall TUPE scope will be for people only engaged on "the contract".

The meeting is at 10:30 in the Board Room, and expect to last 1h15mins.


From: Taylor, Mike To: X
Subject: RE: HR/TUPE Briefing

Hi X,

Happy New Year.

Seeing as this meeting was held when many people were on holiday for Christmas, can you or the exit team provide the minutes of the meeting.


I couldn't attend also!

I'll see what I can do……do you have a list of non-attendees?


So nice to see that the "exit manager", X, responsible for seeing that this piece of Government legislation is done correctly has his priorities set.

Happy New Year

I open 2007 with a lovely bit of news regarding the management approach to HR.

As part of the Company’s ‘Best-Shore’ strategy, over the next weeks the HR Shared Services support to the UK business will be migrating to Pune, India. This move has offered an opportunity to review and enhance the existing HR processes so that the UK HR function can better leverage the services it provides to company."

Please note the catch phrase "best-shore" and, what I can only refer to as the "L" word. I cannot speak or type it in full as I end up feeling dirty.

Best-shore - verb - to move a department from a native country where the work IS, to a developING country in an effort to save labour costs in the mistaken belief that a lower hourly rate is vital and moving the service will be satisfactory to the people who try to contact and use the service. The small matter of it being a poorer country and people there selling the often deeply private details to 3rd parties or criminals for huge amounts of money does not ever get considered.

Synonyms- offshore, shaft-the-locals, deskilling-the-natives

Facts: to that show I am not talking out of my arse and being a general misery-guts,7211,39848,00.html
2005 April: Citibank workers bent
2005 June: Offshore fraud is rare, honest
2006 March: Florida is leaking
2006 May: 2000 Mastercard details on sale
2006 June: HSBC Bangalore employee nicks £233000

Hmm, really rare eh.