Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Day 5 - All quiet

Oct 25th

I still feel full of snot and germs but come in to work anyway. I find notices plastered all over the place telling us that the rear doors are alarmed between 8am and 6pm. Presumably after that they relax because a nice security man comes along to guard them.

I have no news from my boss or his boss, despite me telling them I was sick. I don't know what to expect, but at least an "OK" would be polite. It also crossed my mind that it's rather odd no-one at all has enquired whether I am ok, after being "off sick" for 3 months.

On looking for someone's name, I come across some email distribution lists. You really couldn't make this stuff up:

Project Boomerang - it kept coming back
Project Deja view - I'm sure we've seen this before
Project Jedi - May the Force be with you
Project Shiner - It's a load of old w*nk


1 comment:

Ana said...

Guess who's been here... ;)