Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Weekend - It's a gas

Saturday, 14th Oct

I got up and went downstairs to get breakfast and opened my morning post whilst the kettle boiled and found I had another "final" bill for my gas supply from Southern Electric. I had previously had one for£76 despite me being a single person and having only hot-water 2 hours a day. Gas is getting expensive, but not that bad yet.

Amazingly their previous bill was automatic where they still don't bother to come and read the meter when you move suppliers. Oh no that would be sensible. Instead the use a "deemed" reading - or as it's colloquially known "making it up as they go along".

The result of their guessing is a gross over-estimate in their favour of 600 gas therms. So I of course immediately took another reading and rang them up to advise them of their error, politely, upshot being a final, final bill.

And here it is:

Yes, that's right folks. They have spent about £5 in admin overheads to send me a bill for 90 shiny new pence.

(My existing record was a bill for 0.01p from Blockbuster Video).

1 comment:

wilbur said...

I have come to the conclusion that common sense is as rare as a snork. Also I have found that the biggger the company is, the bigger the cockups get. As regards B.G ass, only now when they have lost gorrillians of customers are they starting to come out with attractive offers. Their charges for annual boiler maintenance, have fallen to nearly atractive from the obscene. I don't know what they are charging to change a boiler now but it was in the region of £3500, when you could get it changed by a local heating engineer for well under £2000.
Similarly B.T. who have overcharged for years, now have to become competitive.