Thursday, October 26, 2006

Day 7 - TUPE or not TUPE

Thursday, Oct 26th

My return to my place of work has been complicated by the only contract/project I was working on has been given to another supplier - i.e. Toxic screwed up once (well, lots) too many. The good news is UK law means something called TUPE (pronounced two-pee) applies, which means staff from the "losers" can jump across to the "winners" on the equivalent terms and conditions.

Given I have missed out the last 3 months, I was out of the loop physically but have caught up with emails but was unsatisfied with the state of affairs. So I sent this:


I have been out of the loop for a while, but on asking around no-one at all can tell me what on earth is happening with X [the contract you just lost] and the publishing of the list of people who are in-scope [for transfer]. On reading the documents, this information was meant to be made public in June.

I am feeling rather anxious that no-one is being forth-coming with any information at all, and people are resorting to rumour, gossip and private meetings. Can someone please answer the following.

  • Who is deciding which members of staff are in or out of scope?
  • What criteria are they using to judge whether a person is "in-scope" or not.
  • When, exactly is the list being made public
  • What date is Toxic handing over work to Winners
  • Why are some people being asked to work beyond the "drop-dead" date.
  • Are Winners coming to "here" to give a presentation and if so, when

I also feel angry that the future of peoples' livelihoods is being treated with such apparent indifference. I simply do not understand what the apparent shroud of secrecy is about. Staff deserve to know what is happening with their own jobs, specifically:

  • What do I do if someone decides I am not in scope?
  • If I am not in scope where am I going to work in Toxic?
  • Am I able to get redundancy?

I want some answers by the end of Friday, if not sooner.



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